I was honored to develop the logo and branding style guide for Please Kink Responsibly, a platform that offers comprehensive, inclusive, and compassionate education and consulting services related to kink and sexuality for individuals, communities, and organizations. The logo we created drew inspiration from the Hanged Man tarot card, skillfully embodying the allegory of transformation and enlightenment.

We also created a Tarot Card version of the logo in various colors as part of their extended brand for print and digital resources.

You can subscribe or learn more about Please Kink Responsibly on
their website or their Fetlife account.
Please Kink Responsibly logo design and brand guide
My first kinky-related project was with the Aquarius Society, a digital kink community designed for individuals seeking connection, participation in diverse events, and streamlined access to kinky virtual technologies. The branding and logo design were thoughtfully crafted to draw inspiration from the distinct characteristics associated with the Aquarius astronomy sign, contributing to a visually compelling representation of our community.
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